Are You Mixing Me Up With the Princess Again



v. mixed, mix·ing, mix·es

5. tr.


a. To combine or blend into 1 mass or mixture: Mix the dry ingredients first.

b. To create or form by combining ingredients: mix a drink; mix cement.

c. To add (an ingredient or element) to another: mix an egg into concoction.

two. To combine or bring together: mix joy with sorrow.

three. To bring into social contact: mix boys and girls in the classroom.

4. To produce (an organism) past crossbreeding.


a. To combine (two or more audio tracks or channels) to produce a composite audio recording.

b. To produce (a soundtrack or recording) in this way.

v. intr.


a. To get combined or blended together: Stir until the eggs mix with the flour.

b. To be capable of being blended together: Oil does not mix with h2o.

2. To associate socially or become along with others: He does not mix well at parties.

3. To mate so every bit to produce a hybrid; crossbreed.

4. To go involved: In the example of a family argument, a friend should not mix in.



a. A combination of diverse elements: The downtown has a proficient mix of stores and restaurants.

b. A mixture of ingredients packaged and sold commercially: a cake mix.

c. A recording that is produced by combining and adjusting two or more audio tracks or channels.

ii. An beast resulting from interbreeding, especially a dog or true cat of mixed brood.

Phrasal Verbs:

mix down

To combine all of the audio components of a recording into a terminal soundtrack or mix.

mix upwardly

i. To confuse; confound: His explanation but mixed me upwards more than. I always mix upwardly the twins.

2. To involve or implicate: He got himself mixed upwards with the incorrect people.


[Back-formation from Middle English

mixt, mixed

, mixed, from Anglo-Norman


, from Latin


, past participle of


, to mix; run across


in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]

mix′a·ble adj.

Synonyms: mix , blend , mingle , merge , amalgamate , coalesce , fusetwo
These verbs mean to put into or come together in one mass and then that constituent parts or elements are diffused or commingled. Mix is the to the lowest degree specific: The cook mixed eggs, flour, and saccharide. Do work and play never mix? To blend is to mix intimately and harmoniously so that the components lose their original definition: The clerk composite mocha and java coffee beans. Snowfall-covered mountains blended into the clouds. Mingle implies combination without loss of private characteristics: "Respect was mingled with surprise" (Sir Walter Scott).
Merge and amalgamate imply resultant homogeneity: Tradition and innovation are merged in this new composition. Twilight merged into night. "The four sentences of the original are amalgamated into ii" (William Minto).
Coalesce implies a slow merging: "The resulting slosh of droppings coalesced into a slightly larger Earth and the moon in orbit around Earth" (Kenneth Chang).
Fuse emphasizes an enduring wedlock, as that formed past heating metals: "He diffuses a tone and spirit of unity, that blends, and (equally it were) fuses, each into each" (Samuel Taylor Coleridge).

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Linguistic communication, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. (tr) to combine or blend (ingredients, liquids, objects, etc) together into one mass

two. (intr) to become or have the capacity to become combined, joined, etc: some chemicals do not mix.

3. (tr) to form (something) by combining ii or more constituents: to mix cement.

4. (tr; often foll by in or into) to add every bit an additional part or chemical element (to a mass or compound): to mix flour into a batter.

5. (tr) to exercise at the same time; combine: to mix study and pleasure.

six. (tr) to consume (drinks or foods) in shut succession

seven. to come or cause to come up into association socially: Pauline has never mixed well.

eight. (often foll by: with) to go together; complement

9. (Agronomics) (tr) to crossbreed (differing strains of plants or breeds of livestock), esp more than or less at random

ten. (Electronics) (tr) electronics to combine (two or more signals)

11. (Electronics) music

a. (in sound recording) to remainder and suit (the recorded tracks) on a multitrack tape automobile

b. (in live functioning) to remainder and arrange (the output levels from microphones and selection-ups)

12. (Movie) (tr) to merge (ii lengths of film) so that the effect is imperceptible

13. mix it informal

a. to cause mischief or trouble, often for a person named: she tried to mix information technology for John.

b. to fight


14. the act or an instance of mixing

15. the result of mixing; mixture

16. (Cookery) a mixture of ingredients, esp 1 commercially prepared for making a cake, bread, etc

17. (Electronics) music the sound obtained past mixing

18. (Building) edifice trades civil engineering the proportions of cement, sand, and aggregate in mortar, plaster, or concrete

nineteen. informal a state of confusion; cliffhanger

[C15: back formation from mixt mixed, via Former French from Latin mixtus, from miscēre to mix]

ˈmixable adj

ˌmixaˈbility due north

Collins English language Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014




1. to combine into i mass or assemblage.

2. to put together indiscriminately or confusedly (oft fol. by upwards).

3. to combine or unite: to mix concern and pleasure.

4. to add equally an element or ingredient.

5. to form or make by combining ingredients: to mix mortar.

6. to crossbreed.


a. to combine, blend, or edit (the components of a picture soundtrack).

b. to complete the mixing process on (a flick or soundtrack).

8. to combine (two or more recordings or microphone signals) to make a single recording or blended signal.


9. to become mixed or capable of mixing: a paint that mixes with h2o.

x. to associate or mingle, every bit in company: to mix with other guests.

11. to crossbreed.

12. mix upward,

a. to misfile completely, esp. to fault i person or thing for another.

b. to involve or entangle.


13. an act or instance of mixing.

fourteen. the result of mixing; mixture.

15. a commercial preparation to which usu. but a liquid must be added before cooking or baking: a cake mix.

17. Informal. a mess or muddle; botch.

eighteen. an electronic blending of tracks or sounds fabricated to produce a recording.


mix it (upward), Slang.

a. to engage in a quarrel.

b. to fight with the fists.

[1470–lxxx; back formation from mixt mixed]

mix′a•ble, adj.

mix′a•bil′i•ty, mix′a•ble•ness, north.

syn: mix, blend, combine, mingle concern the bringing of two or more things into more or less intimate association. mix means to join elements or ingredients into one mass, mostly with a loss of distinction: to mix fruit juices. blend suggests a smooth and harmonious joining, frequently a joining of different varieties to obtain a product of a desired quality: to blend whiskeys. combine means to bring similar or related things into close matrimony, usu. for a detail purpose: to combine forces. mingle usu. suggests a joining in which the identity of the separate elements is retained: voices mingling at a political party.

Random House Kernerman Webster's Higher Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


By participle: mixed
Gerund: mixing
I mix
yous mix
he/she/it mixes
nosotros mix
you mix
they mix
I mixed
you lot mixed
he/she/it mixed
we mixed
you mixed
they mixed
Nowadays Continuous
I am mixing
yous are mixing
he/she/it is mixing
we are mixing
you are mixing
they are mixing
Nowadays Perfect
I have mixed
you have mixed
he/she/it has mixed
we have mixed
you lot have mixed
they take mixed
Past Continuous
I was mixing
y'all were mixing
he/she/it was mixing
nosotros were mixing
yous were mixing
they were mixing
Past Perfect
I had mixed
you had mixed
he/she/it had mixed
we had mixed
y'all had mixed
they had mixed
I will mix
y'all will mix
he/she/information technology will mix
we will mix
you lot volition mix
they will mix
Future Perfect
I will have mixed
you volition have mixed
he/she/it will accept mixed
we will have mixed
y'all will accept mixed
they volition have mixed
Time to come Continuous
I will be mixing
you will be mixing
he/she/it will exist mixing
we volition be mixing
you volition exist mixing
they will be mixing
Nowadays Perfect Continuous
I accept been mixing
you accept been mixing
he/she/it has been mixing
we have been mixing
you lot accept been mixing
they have been mixing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will take been mixing
you will have been mixing
he/she/it will have been mixing
we will have been mixing
you will take been mixing
they will have been mixing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been mixing
you had been mixing
he/she/it had been mixing
we had been mixing
you had been mixing
they had been mixing
I would mix
you would mix
he/she/it would mix
we would mix
you would mix
they would mix
Past Provisional
I would have mixed
you would have mixed
he/she/it would have mixed
we would have mixed
you lot would take mixed
they would accept mixed

Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011


To combine ingredients by continuous stirring.

Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 past Diagram Visual Information Limited

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Fable:

Substantive 1. mix - a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients mix - a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredients


ready-mix - a commercial training containing nigh of the ingredients for a dish

self-raising flour, self-rising flour - a commercially prepared mixture of flour and salt and a leavening agent

concoction, intermixture, mixture - whatsoever foodstuff made by combining different ingredients; "he volunteered to gustatory modality her latest batter"; "he drank a mixture of beer and lemonade"

2. mix - an event that combines things in a mixture; "a gradual mixture of cultures"


combining, combine - an occurrence that results in things being united

batter - an occurrence of an unusual mixture; "it of a sudden spewed out a thick green concoction"

blend - an occurrence of thorough mixing

3. mix - the act of mixing together mix - the act of mixing together; "paste fabricated past a mix of flour and water"; "the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio"

commixture, mixing, intermixture, admixture, mixture

compounding, combining, combination - the act of combining things to class a new whole

Verb 1. mix - mix together different elements mix - mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"

coalesce, conflate, fuse, immix, commingle, merge, blend, meld, flux, combine

change integrity - modify in concrete brand-upwards

gauge - mix in specific proportions; "judge plaster"

absorb - cause to become one with; "The sales revenue enhancement is absorbed into the state income tax"

meld, melt - lose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually; "Hundreds of actors were melting into the scene"

mix in, blend in - cause (something) to be mixed with (something else); "At this stage of making the cake, blend in the nuts"

accrete - grow together (of plants and organs); "After many years the rose bushes grew together"

conjugate - unite chemically so that the product is easily broken down into the original compounds

admix - mix or blend; "Hyaline casts were admixed with neutrophils"

alloy - make an alloy of

syncretise, syncretize - get fused

stump, mix up - cause to be perplexed or confounded; "This problem stumped her"

two. mix - open (a place) to members of all races and indigenous groups; "This school is completely desegregated"

desegregate, integrate

three. mix - combine (electronic signals); "mixing sounds"

combine, chemical compound - put or add together; "combine resources"

iv. mix - add as an additional element or part mix - add as an additional chemical element or part; "mix water into the drinkable"

mix in

add - make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of; "Nosotros added two students to that dorm room"; "She added a personal note to her letter"; "Add insult to injury"; "Add some actress plates to the dinner tabular array"

nuance - add an enlivening or altering element to; "blue pigment dashed with white"

5. mix - to bring or combine together or with something else mix - to bring or combine together or with something else; "resourcefully he mingled music and trip the light fantastic"

amalgamate, commix, mingle, unify

alter, modify, modify - crusade to change; make dissimilar; crusade a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may take altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The give-and-take has changed my thinking about the issue"

aggregate, combine - gather in a mass, sum, or whole

concoct - make a concoction (of) by mixing

combine, compound - combine so as to grade a whole; mix; "compound the ingredients"

blend, immingle, intermingle, intermix - combine into ane; "alloy the nuts and raisins together"; "he blends in with the crowd"; "We don't intermingle much"

half-dozen. mix - mix so as to make a random order or arrangement mix - mix so every bit to brand a random lodge or organization; "shuffle the cards"

shuffle, ruffle

manipulate - hold something in one's easily and move it

reshuffle - shuffle once more; "And so as to forbid adulterous, he was asked to reshuffle the cards"

riffle - shuffle (playing cards) by separating the deck into 2 parts and riffling with the thumbs so the cards intermix

cut - divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make option difficult; "Wayne cut"; "She cut the deck for a long fourth dimension"

Based on WordNet three.0, Farlex clipart drove. © 2003-2012 Princeton Academy, Farlex Inc.



one. combine, blend, merge, unite, bring together, cantankerous, chemical compound, incorporate, put together, fuse, mingle, jumble, alloy, amalgamate, interweave, coalesce, intermingle, meld, commingle, commix Oil and water don't mix. Mix the cinnamon with the sugar.


one. mixture, combination, blend, fusion, chemical compound, jumble, array, alloy, medley, concoction, amalgam, mixed bag (breezy), meld, melange, miscellany a magical mix of fantasy and reality

mix someone up bewilder, upset, confuse, disturb, puzzle, muddle, perplex, unnerve, fluster, throw into confusion You lot're not helping at all, you're only mixing me up even more.

mix something or someone up mistake for, confuse, take for, muddle someone or something upwards People often mix me upward with other actors.

mix something upwardly

Collins Thesaurus of the English language – Complete and Unabridged second Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



1. To put together into one mass so that the constituent parts are more than or less homogeneous:

admix, amalgamate, blend, commingle, commix, fuse, intermingle, intermix, merge, mingle, stir.

2. To take part in social activities:

phrasal verb
mix up

1. To cause to exist unclear in mind or intent:

addle, befuddle, bewilder, confound, confuse, discombobulate, silly, fuddle, jumble, muddle, mystify, perplex, puzzle.

Idiom: brand one'south head reel.

2. To take (one thing) mistakenly for another:

iii. To put out of proper order:

confound, disarrange, disarray, disorder, disorganize, disrupt, disturb, jumble, mess up, muddle, tumble, unsettle, upset.

iv. To draw in so that extrication is difficult:


Something produced by mixing:

The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


خَليط من الناسمَزِيجٌمَزيج، خَليط يَخلُط يَمْتَزِج

забърквам комбинирам разбърквам смесвам съчетавам

míchat směs smísit stýkat se mísit

blande blanding komme sammen miks mikse

sekoittaa sekoitus

miješati mješavina


blanda blanda, laga blandast samlagast

まぜる 混ぜる 混合物

...을 섞다 혼합 가루


būti įpainiotam maišymas maišyti maišytis maišytuvas

jaukt maisījums sagatave sajaukt sajaukties


mešati se zamešati združiti zmešati zmešnjava

blanda blandning

การผสม ผสม

hòa trộn sự hòa trộn




2. [+ recording, sound] → mezclar

B. Half-dozen

one. [things]

1.2. (= get together well) [colours] → combinar (bien), pegar

C. Northward

3. [of recording, sound] → mezcla f

mix up VT + ADV

ane. (= prepare) [+ paint, paste] → preparar

two. (= combine) [+ ingredients] → mezclar

3. (= jumble up) → mezclar
don't mix up your clothes with mineno mezcles tu ropa con la mía
the letter got mixed upwards with my thingsla carta se mezcló con mis cosas

half-dozen. (= involve) to be/get mixed up in sthestar metido/meterse en algo
are you mixed up in this?¿tú andas metido en esto?, ¿tú tienes que ver con esto?
how could David be mixed up in a murder?¿cómo puede David estar involucrado en united nations asesinato?
he's got mixed up with a bad oversupplyse ha mezclado con mala gente, anda con malas compañías
why did I e'er get mixed up with y'all?¿cómo acabé relacionándome contigo?, ¿cómo acabé liada contigo?
to mix sb upward in sthmeter or mezclar a algn en algo

seven. to mix it upward (with sb) (U.s.) (= cause trouble) → buscar camorra (con algn)

Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged eighth Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= prepare) [+ block] → préparer; [+ cement, paste] → mélanger
to mix sb a drink → préparer un verre à qn
Can I mix you a drink?
Merely Qu'est-ce que je te prépare?.


(= come across people) → rencontrer des gens
He doesn't mix much
BUT Il ne voit pas beaucoup de monde.
to mix with sb → fréquenter qn

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Collins German Lexicon – Consummate and Entire 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(miks) verb

ane. to put or alloy together to grade one mass. She mixed the butter and sugar together; He mixed the blue paint with the xanthous pigment to make green paint. meng يَمْزِج смесвам misturar (southward)míchat mischen blande ανακατεύω, αναμειγνύω mezclar segama مخلوط کردن sekoittaa mélanger לְעַרבֵּב मिश्रण करना pomiješati (össze)kever mencampur blanda mescolare, mischiare 混ぜる ...을 섞다 (su)maišyti []jaukt mencampur mengen blande zmieszać مخلوط misturar a ames­teca; a combina смешивать (z)miešať zmešati pomešati blanda ผสม karıştırmak 混合 змішувати ایک دوسرے میں ملانا pha lẫn 混合

ii. to prepare or make by doing this. She mixed the cement in a bucket. meng يَخلُط приготвям misturar namíchat anrühren blande; tilberede; mikse ανακατεύω mezclar segama در هم کردن sekoittaa préparer לְעַרבֵּב मिलाना miješati összekever mencampur blanda, laga impastare 混ぜ合わせる 섞어서 만들다 užmaišyti pagatavot iejaucot mencampurkan mengen blande sammen, mikse wymieszać مخلوط كول misturar a pregăti замешивать namiešať pripraviti pomešati blanda till รวมกัน karıştırarak hazırlamak 調製 замішувати ملا کر تیار کرنا trộn 搀和

three. to get together or blend successfully to grade one mass. Oil and water don't mix. meng يَمْتَزِج комбинирам misturar mísit sich mischen lassen passe sammen αναμειγνύομαι, συνδυάζομαι mezclar, amasar segunema مخلوط کردن sekoittua se mélanger לְהִתעַרבֵּב घुलना izmiješati keveredik bercampur blandast mescolarsi 混ざり合う 섞이다 maišytis sajaukties bercampur zich vermengen blande seg łączyć/mieszać się ګډ كول misturar a ames­teca смешиваться zmiešať mešati (se) mešati se blanda sig ทำให้รวมตัวกัน karışmak 溶合 змішуватися ایک دوسرے میں تحلیل ہونا hoà nhập 溶合

4. to go together socially. People of unlike races were mixing together happily. meng يَمْتَزِج، يَخْتَلِط смесвам се misturar-se stýkat se sich mischen komme sammen αναμειγνύομαι, συναναστρέφομαι mezclarse, juntarse seltsima قاتی شدن seurustella se mêler לְהִתחָבֵר घुलना-मिलना slagati se barátkozik bergaul samlagast familiarizzare, mescolarsi 交わる 사귀다 bendrauti, sugyventi saprasties bergaul met elkaar omgaan komme sammen, omgås obcować, współżyć يوځاى كيدل misturar-se a avea relaţii (sociale) общаться stýkať sa mešati se mešati se umgås เข้าสังคม karışmak 相處融洽 водитися, знатися ربط ضبط ہونا hòa hợp 平安相处


1. the result of mixing things or people together. London has an interesting racial mix. mengsel خَليط من الناس смесване mistura směs die Mischung blanding; miks μείγμα, κράμα mezcla segu ترکیب sekoitus mélange תַּמהִיל मिश्रण, घोल mješavina keverék campuran blanda mescolanza, commistione 混合物 혼합 mišinys sajaukums; maisījums campuran mengsel blanding mieszanka جوړښت mistura amestec смесь, мешанина zmes mešanica mešavina blandning, mix สิ่งที่ได้จากการผสม karışım 混合,不同民族混雜一起 суміш جمگھٹا sự hòa hợp 混合

2. a collection of ingredients used to make something. (a) cake-mix. mengsel مَزيج، خَليط съставки mistura přípravek, směs die Mischung miks; -miks μείγμα mezcla segu ترکیبات sekoitus préparation אַבקָה לְהֲכָנָה מְהִירָה किसी चीज के निर्माण के लिए अवयवों का संग्रह mješavina keverék campuran blanda miscela 調合した材料 혼합물 mišinys sagatave; maisījums campuran beslag blanding, røre mieszanka مختلف جوړښت لرل mistura amestec de mai multe ingrediente смесь zmes sestavine smesa blandning, mix ส่วนผสม karışım, harman 混合材料 суміш اجزاء ترکیب hỗn hợp 混合配料

mixed adjective

i. consisting of dissimilar kinds. I have mixed feelings nearly leaving home; mixed races; a mixed population. gemengde مُخْتَلَط противоречив misto smíšený gemischt blandet ανάμεικτος, ανομοιογενής variado segane, sega- در هم sekoittunut mélangé, mêlé מעורב मिश्र, मिला हुआ miješan kevert campuran blandaður misto; confuso 混ざった 혼합된 mišrus, įvairus []jaukts; []maisīts campuran gemengd blandet, sammensatt mieszany مخلوط شوى misto amestecat; contradictoriu смешанный zmiešaný mešan mešani blandad หลากหลาย karışık 混合的 змішаний; різнорідний مخلوط lẫn lộn 混合的

2. done, used etc past people of different sexes. mixed tennis. gemengde مُخْتَلَط، من النَّوْعَيْن смесен (спорт) misto smíšený gemischt blandet; fælles μεικτός, με άτομα και των δύο φύλων mixto sega-, ühis- مختلط seka- mixte מעורב युगल miješan vegyes campuran blandaður misto 男女混合の 남녀 혼합의 mišrus jaukts campuran gemengd felles-, for både damer og herrer mieszany مخلوط، ګډ misto mixt смешанный zmiešaný mešan mešani med både damer och herrar, mixed ที่ปนเปกัน karma 男女混合的 змішаний; призначений для осіб обох статей مختلف جنسوں کے افراد کے ذریعہ مشترکہ طور پر انجام دیا جانے والا عمل cho cả nam lẫn nữ 男女混合的

ˈmixer noun

a person or thing that mixes; a thing which is used for mixing. an electric nutrient-mixer. menger خَلّاطَه، جَبّالَه миксер misturador mixér; míchač(ka) der Mixer mikser; røremaskine μίξερ mezclador mikser, segisti مخلوط کن sekoittaja mélangeur מערבל मिक्सर, मिश्र करने वाला यंत्र miješač keverő(gép); (háztartási) robotgép pencampur hrærivél; félagslyndur maður miscelatore; frullatore ミキサー 혼합하는 사람(기계), 믹서 mikseris, maišytuvas mikseris pembancuh mixer omgjengelig/sosial person; miksmaster mieszadło, mikser مخلوط كونكى، ميكسر misturador mixer тот, кто смешивает; миксер miešač, miešačka mešalec mikser blandare, mixer เครื่องผสม karıştırıcı, mikser 調音員,攪拌器 товариська людина; змішувач پھینٹنے کا آلہ người trộn; máy trộn 调音师,搅拌器,混频器

mixture (ˈmikstʃə) noun

1. the result of mixing things or people together. a mixture of eggs, flour and milk. mengsel مَزيج، خَليط смесица mistura směs(water ice) die Mischung blanding; -blanding μείγμα mezcla segu مخلوط sekoitus mélange תערובת मिश्रण, घोल mješavina keverék campuran blanda miscuglio, miscela 混合物 혼합 mišinys maisījums campuran mengsel røre, blanding mieszanina څو ګډ شيان mistura amestec смесь zmes mešanica smesa blandning ส่วนผสม karışım 混合物 суміш آمیزہ ، مرکب hỗn hợp 混合物

2. a number of things mixed together and used for a given purpose. The doctor gave the baby some coughing mixture. mengsel, stroop مَزيج неща обединени от обща цел mistura směs die Mixtur mikstur μείγμα mezcla, preparado mikstuur ترکیب mikstuura préparation תערובת मिश्रण smjesa keverék; kanalas orvosság campuran mixtúra mistura, sciroppo 混合物 혼합물, 혼합약 mikstūra mikstūra campuran mengsel mikstur mikstura جوړښت mistura poţiune микстура zmes mešanica sirup mixtur, medicin ปริมาณของสิ่งที่ถูกรวมเข้าด้วยกันและมีจุดประสงค์ไว้เพื่อให้ karışım; ... şurubu 混合劑 мікстура کسی مقصد کے لئے مختلف اجزا کی آمیزش hỗn dược 混合剂

iii. the act of mixing. meng مَزْج، خَلْط смесване mistura míchání das Mischen blanding ανάμειξη, ανακάτεμα mezcla segamine ترکیب کردن sekoittaminen mélange ערבוב मिलाने की क्रिया miješati keverés pencampuran blöndun mescolanza 混ぜること 섞기 maišymas maisīšana percampuran het mengen blanding mieszanie ګډ كول mistura amestecare смешивание miešanie mešanje mešanje blandning, blandande การรวมกัน karışma 混合 змішування ملانے کا عمل việc trộn lẫn 混合

ˈmix-upwardly noun

a confused situation etc. a mix-up over the concert tickets. misverstand تَشَوُّش، وَضْع مُشَوَّش объркване confusão zmatek das Durcheinander forvirring μπέρδεμα confusión segadus در هم وبر هم sekaannus confusion מְבוּלבַּל असमंजस में पड़ना zbrka zűrzavar kekacauan ruglingur confusione 混乱状態 혼란, 분규 nesusipratimas juceklis; neskaidrība kekeliruan verwarring rot, forvirring zamieszanie بى نظمى جوړول confusão încurcătură, hara­babură путаница zmätok zmeda zbrka förväxling, förvirring สถานการณ์สับสนวุ่นวาย (เพราะตัดสินใจหรือทำผิดพลาด) karışıklık 混亂 плутанина, безладдя گڑبڑ tình trạng lộn xộn 搞混

be mixed up (in, *with)

to be involved. He was mixed up in that burglary / with some drug-takers. deurmekaar مُتَوَرِّط замесен съм envolver být zapleten (do) verwickelt sein indblandet i είμαι αναμεμειγμένος estar envuelto segatud olema درگیر شدن sekaantua être mêlé לִהיוֹת מְעוֹרָב संलिप्त होना smušenost belekeveredik vmibe terlibat vera flæktur í essere invischiato/implicato かかわり合いになる 연루되다 būti įpainiotam, susidėti (su) iejaukts; iepīts terlibat betrokken bij rote seg opp i, bli innblandet i być wplątanym ښكيل كيدل envolver a fi amestecat în быть замешанным (в чём-л.) byť zapletený (exercise) biti vpleten biti umešan vara inblandad i เกี่ยวข้องกับ karışmak 與某事有牽連 заплутаний شامل ہونا được trộn lẫn 与某事有牵连

mix up

one. to alloy together. I need to mix up another tin can of paint. meng يَمْزِج، يَخْلُط разбърквам misturar namíchat zusammenmischen opblande ανακατεύω mezclar kokku segama مخلوط کردن sekoittaa mélanger לְעַרבֵּב खिचड़ी, घालमेल pomiješati összekever mencampur blanda saman mescolare 混ぜ合わす 섞다 (su)maišyti sajaukt mencampurkan mengen blande sammen mieszać ګډ كول misturar încurcătură, hara­babură перемешивать namiešať zamešati izmešati blanda [ihop] ผสม karıştırmak 拌和 змішувати ایک ساتھ ملانا trộn lên 拌和

ii. to confuse or muddle. I'yard always mixing the twins upwards. verwar يَخْلُط ما بيْن إثْنَيْن бъркам confundir plést si verwechseln blande sammen μπερδεύω confundir segi ajama در هم کردن sotkea confondre לְבָלבֵּל उलझन, गड़बड़ zbrkati összetéveszt bingung rugla saman confondere 混同する 혼동하다 painioti sajaukt; saputrot keliru verwarren forveksle, blande sammen mylić ګيچ كيدل confundir a confunda перепутать pliesť si zamenjati pomešati förväxla ทำให้สับสน karıştırmak 混淆,弄亂 переплутувати تمیز میں غلطی کرنا làm ai bối rối 混淆

3. to confuse or upset. Yous've mixed me upward completely with all this information. verwar, deurmekaarmaak يُرْبِك، يُشَوِّش обърквам embaralhar zmást völlig durcheinanderbringen forvirre μπερδεύω, αναστατώνω κπ. confundir segadusse ajama قاتی کردن sekoittaa embrouiller לְבָלבֵּל मिश्रण zbuniti összezavar membingungkan rugla, setja úr jafnvægi confondere 混乱させる 혼란스럽게 하다 supainioti, sugluminti sajaukt galvu, apmulsināt mengelirukan verwarren forvirre, være ute av seg oszołomić, skonfundować سر ګنګس كول baralhar a zăpăci запутать zmiasť zmešati zbuniti göra förvirrad, röra till det för ทำให้ยุ่งเหยิง şaşırmış 弄糊塗,打亂 заплутувати غلط فہمی کا شکار ہونا làm ai phiền lòng 搞糊涂

Kernerman English language Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


مَزِيجٌ, يَـمْزِجُ směs, smísit blande, blanding mischen, Mischung αναμιγνύω, μείγμα mezcla, mezclar sekoittaa, sekoitus mélange, mélanger miješati, mješavina mescolare, miscela 混ぜる, 混合物 ...을 섞다, 혼합 가루 mengsel, mixen blande, blanding mieszanina, wymieszać mistura, misturar смешивать, сухая смесь blanda, blandning การผสม, ผสม karışık, karıştırmak hòa trộn, sự hòa trộn 混合

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vt. mezclar, juntar, asociar.

English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012

English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Loma Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


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