110 Good Questions to Ask a Guy - Start a conversation with your bros!

Everyone should know some good questions to ask a guy.

Whether you lot recently moved to a new city or want to brand the new guy feel welcome, you've felt the need for some way to strike upwards a conversation with the bros.

And if y'all're reading this article, you know that's non always as easy as it seems. Everywhere you await there are posts with questions to enquire a girl, but finding a list of practiced questions to ask guys is much more than difficult.

Then, to help you lot out, I've put together a listing of the best questions to enquire a guy that are certain to help you.

Whether you lot desire to make new friends at the gym or develop your relationships with the fellas at work, asking adept questions shows your involvement in the other person and is shown to increase people'due south positive feelings toward yous.

Keep these questions to enquire a boy, close at manus and y'all'll notice the Starsky to your Hutch in no fourth dimension.


18 All-time Questions To Inquire A Guy

Conversations are the lifeblood of whatsoever good friendship.

They are the means past which we get to know one another and encourage, comfort, and challenge each other. Bang-up conversations don't just happen, however. Sometimes a few conversation starters are needed to kick things off before the conversation can have on a life of its ain.

These questions are the all-time chat starters I've come across, and if they can work for me they can work for anyone.

Here are the 18 best questions to enquire a guy:

1. What is the most interesting slice of trivia you know?

You lot never know when that useless information will be useful.

2. Which historical figure wasn't every bit amazing as most people remember they were?

History is filled with controversial figures. Which one does he think is overrated?

3. What's something you were really stressed about, but turned out to exist no large deal?

Stress tin be paralyzing, but it doesn't e'er have to be.

4. What would y'all NOT do for 5 million dollars?

There'south probably a lot he would do, just where does he draw the line?

five. What's your worst customer service story?

Either as the customer or the employee, we've all had bad experiences.

6. If yous could become the number one practiced in one niche field, what would it be?

Midnight quesadilla making? Email chain direction? Flex those muscles, playa.

7. What was the worst purchase you lot've e'er made?

Buyer's remorse is real. What does he regret?

8. What did you call back was silly until you tried it?

Is he the type of guy who is willing to leave his comfort zone?

nine. What is the most irritating nutrient?

Sometimes the taste is worth the work.

x. What's the best prank yous can play on someone?

This question will tell y'all a lot about his sense of humor.

11. If you wanted to requite a tourist the local flavour of where you live, what would you have them practice?

Requite him a run a risk to brag about his hometown and find out his interests.

12. If you could make anybody in the world believe one thing (regardless of whether it's true or not), what matter would you cull?

Conventionalities is a powerful thing.

13. What was your biggest experience of "civilisation stupor" in another country?

This question tin lead to a nifty conversation well-nigh travel and culture.

fourteen. If you could add 4 hours to your day, what would you spend that 4 hours doing?

Almost of us wish nosotros had more than fourth dimension. How would he put that time to apply?

xv. Who would be the worst glory to have dinner with?

Popular civilisation is total of people with questionable table manners.

16. What really annoys you lot when other people practice it, but you lot occasionally exercise it as well?

Our pet peeves tend to be things nosotros don't like nearly ourselves.

17. If y'all were given the ability to make 1 new trend and it be instantly pop, what trend would you lot create?

Modern society has seen its share of odd fads. What trend would he set?

18. What's the best $5 you've ever spent?

Sometimes value has nothing to do with a cost tag.

vii Best Interesting Questions To Enquire A Guy

We all want to come across every bit interesting, and the easiest manner to pull it off is with interesting questions. When you want to impress a guy, it follows and so, all you lot need are interesting questions to ask a guy.

Use a few of these questions to become beyond the basics and talk about something a fiddling more than...interesting.

Here are 7 best interesting questions to ask him:

nineteen. What was the funniest way that you accept been injured?

Guys like to talk about their scars. Here's a chance for a good story.

20. Which movie do they need to a sequel to?

Every guy has a moving picture instantly in mind.

21. What simple modify could you make in your life that would have the biggest positive bear on?

You'll be surprised at the honest answers to this one.

22. When have you been with a person and thought you were equals, but then discovered they were on a whole different level?

A flake philosophical, simply the answers can be truly interesting.

23. What is your dream job and what makes information technology so astonishing?

Find out just what they actually wish they could exist.

24. What is something nearly people practise easily but you lot notice very difficult?

Let them show a piffling honesty and humility.

25. What was your best drop the mic moment?

Picket how eager he is to tell you this one.

21 Best Funny Questions to Ask a Guy

Everyone loves existence around people who can brand them laugh. Information technology'south a universal truth.

Even more than that, people love a chance to make others laugh.

This list of funny questions to inquire a guy will let yous to show your sense of humor while giving the guy you're talking to a chance to do the same. Information technology's a win win! Drop a few of these funny questions in one on i situations or in a group of guys and you'll go out everyone feeling more positive and confident.

Here are 21 best funny questions to ask a guy:

26. What is society doing now that in xx years will exist laughed at and ridiculed?

What will 2017's version of the mullet exist?

27. What were you actually into when you lot were younger only now call back is silly?

What makes him blench when he looks at one-time photos?

28. What was the weirdest habit you had as a child?

Kids are weird. Laugh at the strangeness of youth together.

29. What are you then incredibly terrible at, that yous've given upwardly ever doing information technology again?

There's jump to be a skillful story behind this ane.

30. What would be the worst store to accept a $1,000 gift card for?

Almost guys could spend a grand pretty hands, but some stores make it a challenge.

31. If in that location were an Olympics for boilerplate people, what would some of the events be?

Competitive itch scratching? Underwater nail trimming?

32. What'south the biggest "scene" you've seen someone brand in public?

Witnessing a public meltdown can be fun… unless you're involved.

33. What take yous done wrong for most of your life and only recently plant out the right mode to do it?

Give him the chance to share his life hacks.

34. What one toy exercise you wish never existed?

Toys are supposed to be fun!

35. If you instantly turned into a woman for a 24-hour interval, how would you spend that day?

Every guy has imagined it. Program your dream ladies twenty-four hours together.

36. You tin only eat ane thing for the rest of your time on globe. What practise yous eat and why?

Finally. All you can eat nachos.

37. Take y'all ever watched really terrible children's boob tube just because you were bored?

Later on the tertiary episode the characters actually draw you lot in.

38. What's the worst motion-picture show y'all've ever paid to see?

Follow upward with: who approved that moving picture in the first identify?

39. What's the grossest matter you lot've ever eaten?

Can he summit worms, every kid's secret snack?

xl. What's the about cringeworthy thing y'all've ever said to someone yous were attracted to?

In that location'due south a certain joy in comparing flirting fails.

41. What is the funniest dream that you had that you can recall?

The impossibility of dreams can atomic number 82 to comedic gilded.

42. What is the cheesiest pickup line you've ever tried to utilize on a daughter?

And more importantly… did it work? Here are some cheesy option up line options.

43. How long do you think you'd survive a zombie apocalypse?

Gauge the man's survival skills. You just might have to team up.

44. What'due south something that always makes yous laugh?

It's good to know where to turn when yous need a pick-me-upwardly.

45. What's a song that no one knows you like?

Guilty pleasure songs are the best songs.

15 All-time Questions to Ask a Guy to Get to Know Him

At some point yous're going to want to move beyond the small talk.

Small talk has its place, but for more lasting relationships yous're going to need some getting to know you questions to take your budding friendship to the next level. You know you're set up to bypass the trivia and ask questions to get to know a guy when y'all tin can tell that the 2 of you lot have common interests or personalities.

As some of these questions dip into personal matters, you're going to want to await until you've established a rapport before you lot ask a guy these questions.

Here are the 15 best questions to become to know a guy:

46. Who or what do you always have time for?

How a man prioritizes his life volition tell you volumes.

47. If fourth dimension wasn't an issue and you had forever to master a skill, what skill would you principal?

Eliminate busyness and what would he accomplish?

48. What's something everyone should feel at least once in their life?

Allow him to share the experiences that have impacted his life.

49. If someone wrote a biography about yous, what do yous think the championship should be?

This question asks him to describe himself in just a few words.

l. What bad addiction do you have that you know you demand to break, but don't actually desire to?

Our indulgences make us human, but so does the struggle to improve.

51. If money were no object, where in the world would you choose to live?

A identify from his by, or the place of his dreams?

52. What minor thing makes y'all angrier than information technology should?

This will exist adept to know as you lot develop a bond.

53. What would you lot include in a time sheathing?

What object does he run into as representative of this period?

54. What one affair would yous well-nigh want to salve if your house caught burn?

Is his well-nigh valuable possession sentimental or budgetary?

55. What two things are you most passionate almost?

Our passions guide us through life. Where is he beingness led?

56. What are you too sometime for but yet enjoy?

Tin can you ever outgrow childhood pleasures?

57. When was the terminal time a stranger fabricated your 24-hour interval?

Acknowledging the kindness of others is a great trait.

58. What take y'all actually wanted to do for a long time but oasis't washed yet?

Take the opportunity to encourage him to accept the side by side step.

59. What's your definition of a skillful human being being?

What are the qualities mankind should strive for?

60. What quote has e'er stuck with you?

Does he take words of wisdom that he lives by?

xv Best Random Questions to Ask a Guy

Random questions are a keen way to shake upward a conversation.

Like striking shuffle on your favorite playlist, y'all never know what direction things will go, simply yous can bet it will be fun. Some of these random questions to enquire a guy are funny, some are weird, but all are sure to lead to fun chats.

Here are the 15 best random questions to ask a guy:

61. What would exist the accented best pet to have?

Imagine dogs and cats aren't options. I hear tigers are nice.

62. Which fictional villain is your favorite?

Sometimes there's something appealing about the antagonist.

63. Who are you lot most similar, Michael Scott, Dwight Schrute, Andy Dwyer, or Ron Swanson?

Sure, y'all can mix and match.

64. If you made upwards an ice foam flavor, what would be in it?

Bacon maple already exists, so the bar has been gear up.

65. If y'all were a biker, what would your biker nickname be?

Every human needs a macho alter ego.

66. Faced with starvation, what would you notwithstanding never eat?

Even when faced with certain expiry, man volition remain stubborn.

67. Y'all're a criminal mastermind — what do you go out at the scene of the criminal offense as your calling menu?

Sometimes infamy sounds every bit expert as fame.

68. If you lot could create an app that could do anything, what would it exist?

At that place's an app for virtually everything. How else would he make life more convenient?

69. If you had to eliminate one twenty-four hours of the week, which one would y'all eliminate and why?

A instance can exist made for most days. But get out Saturday out of this.

70. What'due south the funniest lyric you've ever misheard?

I've been wondering where Jason Waterfalls went for years.

71. What is the virtually hideous fashion fad that yous've e'er seen?

Pick a decade and something horrible was worn. Which takes the block?

72. What is ane superpower yous would detest having?

Some attributes only get worse when enhanced. Super smell? No thank you.

73. Out of all Solar System planets, which i would you lot like to visit most?

We've never landed a human being on some other planet. If he got the telephone call, where would he go?

74. If you could take one book to a desert isle, which book would that be?

A person'south favorite book says a lot about them.

75. What is the first matter you'd do if you heard nearly the outbreak of zombie apocalypse?

Most guys day dream about this. He'll likely have an answer right off the bat.

5 Best Personal Questions To Ask A Guy

Sometimes yous run across a guy you really get along with and y'all can see the two of yous becoming friends.

To do that, yous'll have to ask him personal questions. And it'southward not as difficult as it sounds!

For tips, cheque out our listing of personal questions to ask a guy and be sure to scroll downward to see the best of them.

Here are the 5 best personal questions to ask a guy:

76. Do yous like to take suggestions from others earlier you take whatsoever determination?

Depending on the conclusion, it's commonly a good idea to get a second opinion.

77. How practice yous spend your free time?

A classic get to know you question.

78. What kinds of clothes practise you prefer and why?

This one is especially practiced to ask a guy who knows how to clothes well.

79. What are your favorite hobbies?

If he has the same hobbies as you, the two of you tin squad up on it!

80. If you lot had a chance to visit one identify in the earth which place would y'all pick?

Anybody has a dream destination.

15 All-time Personal, Deep Questions to Enquire a Guy

Fifty-fifty people who've known each other for a long time tin can somehow avoid personal topics.

There'due south nothing necessarily wrong with that, merely as guys we crave a stiff bond with other men. If you want to get to know the guys around you lot on a deeper, more personal level, you lot demand the all-time deep questions to ask. These questions tin can be the beginning of a transition from associate to friendship or a style to reconnect with with an erstwhile friend you've grown apart from.

Hither are the xv best deep, personal questions to ask a guy:

81. If yous could run away from it all and commencement fresh somewhere new, would you?

This question will let you know if he's content in life or living with questions

82. What are your life and career goals in 5, 10 and 15 years?

A man'southward goals determine the direction of his life. Where is his life headed?

83. Which do you follow—your heart or your caput?

Men like to think they are logical creatures, merely some men are ruled by passion.

84. How does your definition of a "real human being" differ from the mainstream stereotype of a "real human"?

Are muscles and money all it takes to be a human being, or is there something else?

85. What was a random compliment that someone gave you lot that really stuck in your memory?

Unexpected compliments can be the virtually meaningful. What trait of his was randomly appreciated?

86. What do you estimate people for that y'all probably shouldn't?

Anybody struggles with prejudice. How nosotros deal with it is what matters.

87. What was the last major goal you achieved?

He will honey having the opportunity to share his most recent victory.

88. What'south i matter you learned this week?

You lot want to surround yourself with people who are learning and growing. Find out if this guy is.

89. Practice you think your childhood was improve or worse than other people growing upward in a like identify and time?

Childhood, whether good or bad, shapes the balance of our lives.

90. What rules do you make for yourself?

All men should have a code. What code has he set for himself?

91. What are your three weaknesses/strengths?

There's a reason this is a common interview question. What a person considers to be their own strengths or weaknesses is very telling.

92. What's the single virtually important affair you accept done in your life?

This question goes back to values. Does he tie importance to work? Family? Community?

93. Would you rather correct a mistake from the by, or receive an respond from the hereafter?

Would he have the chance to right a wrong or preclude future damage?

94. What has had the biggest impact on your political beliefs?

There are few things more personal than politics.

95. What are you most grateful for in your life?

Give him a chance to admit the things in his life that he'southward thankful for.

15 Best Would Y'all Rather Questions for Guys

Would you rather questions are a time tested method of starting conversations.

The impossible choices lead to entertaining debates and reveal the values of the guy yous're talking to. The best thing about would you rather questions is that they work in so many situations.

Whether you're want to make the fellas express mirth or make them think, there's a question on this list that volition fit the bill.

Here are the 15 best would you rather questions for guys:

96. Would you rather get a week without bathing, simply exist able to modify your wearing apparel, or a calendar week without a change of wearing apparel, merely be able to bathe?

Either mode he won't exist making many friends in the elevator.

97. Would you rather climb harsh mountain cliffs or hike through rough deserts?

Both are challenging, just would offer great satisfaction on the other side.

98. Would you rather have money merely no command or control but no money?

The two become paw in manus, but if he had to have one without the other which would information technology be?

99. Would you rather earn more coin doing the wrong affair or less money doing the right thing?

Which is a bigger motivator: ethics or profits?

100. Would you rather exist the strongest on earth or the smartest on earth?

The historic period quondam question: brains or brawn?

101. Would you rather be clever and alone or dumb and surrounded by people?

Is intelligence worthwhile with no one to share it with?

102. Would y'all rather earn less by the chore you love or earn more by the job yous hate?

At a sure indicate, ane must choose between money and contentment.

103. Would yous rather exist a dominate with the worst employees or an employee with the best boss?

Having a vision with no ane to acquit it out, or conveying out someone else's vision?

104. Would yous rather salvage your friend who is the culprit or the random person who is totally innocent?

Is the bond of friendship stronger than the call of justice?

105. Would you rather alive with but gadgets forever or with but humans forever?

Some men are more technologically inclined, while others are more social.

106. Would you rather live in a room for a year or live in a jail for 6 months?

Firm arrest or hard time? Hopefully y'all're never faced with this conclusion.

107. Would yous rather alive a long life with no money or short life with lots of money?

Information technology'southward funny how "y'all merely live once" tin atomic number 82 people in such polar opposite directions.

108. Would you rather be lost in the mountains or stuck in the office forever?

Would he choose freedom in harsh conditions or confinement in comfort?

109. Would you rather have great sense of humor with below average looks or great looks only no sense of humour?

Not everyone can be Ryan Reynolds. If he had to pick one trait, which would information technology exist?

110. Would you rather win the newest iPhone or win a dream vacation?

The temporary bliss of a vacation or the more than permanent employ of the newest tech?

How to Ask a Guy Questions

Making friends is natural when you're young, merely it takes work when we reach machismo. Before you dive into these questions, let me requite you lot some tips on how best to use them.

1. Go Your Mind Right

Remind yourself why you're looking for questions to inquire guys.

If yous're looking to brand meaningful connections with new people, commencement with the conversation starters and progress towards the deep, personal questions.

If y'all're looking to make full the silence with a guy you meet regularly but don't anticipate a close friendship, lean into the random questions and would y'all rather questions. But exist warned: you might stop up with a new friend anyways.

2. Consider the Context

Don't ask your coworker a deep question in the center of a department meeting. And perchance don't enquire a funny question to the guy currently trying to get a new max on his demote.

A poorly timed question is worse than an unasked question. Wait for a moment when conversation seems natural, and if that moment doesn't come create it!

3. Be Brave

If you've been reading upwardly on ways to strike upward conversations with other men, you can bet you're not the only one. Mankind craves communities.

Remember that the chances are good that the guys around you are open to conversations and new friends.

Don't be nervous. He'south merely some other guy. Strike upward a conversation.

Downloadable and Printable List of Questions to Ask a Guy

Here is a downloadable and printable list of questions to ask a guy(right click the prototype and select Salve Image Equally...):

Looking for More than Questions to Enquire a Guy?

Past now yous have dozens of great questions to ask the fellas in any situation. Ranging from conversation starters to deep questions, with some funny and random questions thrown in along the way.

If yous're still looking for more questions to enquire a guy, I've got some resource that yous're sure to find interesting and helpful.

  1. If y'all enjoyed the would you rather questions, bank check out our list of this or that questions. They're keen for starting conversations and gauging a guy's interests.
  2. Keep things calorie-free and interesting with some fun get to know you lot questions. Whether y'all're buying rounds at your favorite watering hole or getting to know the fellas at work, fun questions are always welcome.
  3. Believe it or not, many items from our list of questions to ask a daughter work really well with guys also. After all, the purpose is the same - you desire to discover if you have a connection with another person.

In Decision

You at present have the ultimate resources for getting to know other guys.

These questions to ask a guy are designed to help y'all turn strangers into friends and make it like shooting fish in a barrel for you to get to know the guys around you. Keep in heed that the purpose of these questions is to assistance you connect with other guys, so listening to answers is just as vital as asking questions. Don't interview the man, get to know him!

Start using these questions to ask today, and lookout as you lot become more comfortable at piece of work, at the gym, or out on the boondocks.


Source: https://www.mantelligence.com/questions-to-ask-a-guy/

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